Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Assignment: Guest Speaker Synopsis Page

Hello Students,
Your new assignment is to create a written synopsis page that reflects on the wisdom, insight and advice from the many guest speakers we have hosted in our class. Create your written content, format it with HTML and CSS and connect it to your portfolio page. Upload the final document to our server and create access to it through your online portfolio for full credit.

Guest Speaker Synopsis Page Assignment:

Written Content:

  • Assemble your speaker notes together and use them for the source of your information
  • Create a short dossier one each speaker that has visited our class, name, company or website, professional title, education, work history, career pathway
  • Write up any insight or advice you gained from the guest speaker
  • Include a memorable quote from the guest speaker
Format Content:
  • Create your synopsis as a text file, then convert it to HTML
  • Format your content with HTML tags, bold the speakers name as a header for each dossier and make the text big
  • Use italics and quotation marks to highlight the guest speakers memorable quote
  • Use unordered lists to organize the information in the dossier
  • Use a CSS file to format your document, add color to the background and text, use a font other than default, but make sure it is easy to read
  • Use div tags to make boxes that arrange or divide each guest speaker dossier... the style is up to you, just make sure the information is well organized and easy to read
Connect content to your portfolio:
  • Modify your portfolio to include a link to this new document
  • Upload the new synopsis page and updated portfolio to our server for full credit
Due friday!

- Have Fun