Wednesday, February 25, 2015

CSS3 Gallery

Hello Students,
Our next assignment is learning some of the new methods and techniques available to developers with CSS3. CSS3 is full backwards compatible with CSS and provides new and exciting functions to use and explore.

CSS3 Assignment:
Use the CSS3 Introduction section from W3C's website as a guided introduction to the subject. Read through each page and subject and create your own gallery of examples of the CSS3 techniques shown. When complete upload your gallery to our server for testing.
  1. Check out the CSS3 Introduction section on W3C Schools and follow each page step by step, trying out each method for yourself.
  2. Create an set of documents with Komodo to implement your code examples, create an HTML and a CSS file and save them both in a new folder, title the folder "CSS3 Gallery"
  3. Go through the sections of the CSS3 Introduction and try out each example for yourself. Create the necessary HTML and CSS code to display and provide a title for each example. For instance create an H1 tag that says "CSS Gradients" then show a series of your CSS Gradient examples.
  4. Create examples for each section:
      • CSS3 Borders
      • CSS3 Backgrounds
      • CSS3 Gradients
      • CSS3 Text Effects
      • CSS3 Fonts
      • CSS3 2D Transforms
      • CSS3 3D Transforms
      • CSS3 Transitions
      • CSS3 Animations
      • CSS3 Multiple Columns
      • CSS3 User Interface
When your gallery is complete, upload to our server for testing!