Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Code Academy: HTML Basics

Students, your newest assignment is to work through the web fundamentals section on code academy. This will reinforce your new code skills and should be much easier for you now that we have a good working knowledge of html. When we complete the web fundamentals we will move on to other units. Watch your achievements grow and track your own progress, code academy makes learning programming languages fun and interactive.

Code Academy Part 1, HTML  and CSS:

  • Log onto and create an account
  • Edit your profile
  • Click the "Learn" button and begin the "HTML Basics: Fundamentals of HTML" coding exercises
  • Complete all 6 units in the HTML Fundamentals lesson, Introduction to HTML, HTML structure using lists, HTML structures, tables, divs and spans
  • Upon completion email me a link to your achievements page
  • Complete all sections of the lesson by Tuesday