Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Design Contest: Design The "_________" Of The Future!

Hello Students,

Our final class exercise is a design competition.

Challenge: Your design challenge is to create the "_____" of the future. Imagine what a cell phone might look like in 10 years, or perhaps what will new automobiles look like. There is no limitation of the subject, you could even design the coffee cup of the future. Think about how products change and evolve over a very short amount of time. What did cell phones look like 10 years ago? What everyday item can you see becoming even more advanced over time? For this challenge, I as your instructor cannot aid your efforts, you must rely on each other to problem solve.

Format: Final artwork must be displayed on screen. You can make a single image or presentation in powerpoint, flash etc. Artwork can be created in Photoshop or Illustrator. Artwork can be drawn by hand and scanned for reference in your digital illustration. ALL DESIGN ARTWORK MUST BE ORIGINAL or ORIGINAL PHOTO MANIPULATION.

Judgement: While student input is take into consideration for judging the finalists, the ultimate decision will be made by me. I am judging based on design originality, quality of illustration and details included with your concept. What makes your product/item futuristic? What materials are it made from? How is it powered? Is your design feasible?

Advice: Take a few moments to think of your idea, research similar products or ideas, research current "prototype" concepts already in existence, take inspiration where you can. Check out my own design for an electric sports coupe below.

Wait for my mark to begin!

BMW M1E Electric Prototype Automobile Design Concept by Seth Wilson